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2022-11-09 13:47
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100% Biztonságosonline vásárlás
SELECT * FROM product_banners WHERE `product_banners`.`deleted` = ? and `product_banners`.`active` = ? and `active_from` <= ? and `active_to` >= ?
SELECT products.id, products.name, products.slug, products.ean_code, products.price, products.product_category_id, products.discount_price, products.discount_type, products.stock, products.sales_start, products.sales_end, products.images, products.new, products.featured, products.outlet, products.bestseller, ps.unit, category.slug as category_slug, category.id as category_id, category.name as category_name, CASE WHEN sales_start < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND sales_end > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() then case when discount_type = 'value' then price - discount_price ELSE price * ((100 - discount_price) / 100) END ELSE price END AS current_price, IFNULL( JSON_VALUE(images, "$.main"), JSON_VALUE(images, "$.images[0]") ) as lead_image FROM products LEFT JOIN product_product_size pps ON `pps`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` LEFT JOIN product_sizes ps ON `pps`.`product_size_id` = `ps`.`id` LEFT JOIN product_categories category ON `products`.`product_category_id` = `category`.`id` WHERE `products`.`deleted` = ? and `products`.`active` = ? and 0 = 1
SELECT * FROM special_actions WHERE `start_date` <= ? and `end_date` >= ? and `active` = ? and `deleted` = ?
SELECT youtube_videos.id, youtube_videos.video_id, youtube_videos.name, youtube_videos.description, youtube_videos.slug, youtube_videos.created_at, seo.title as seo_title, seo.description as seo_description, seo.keywords as seo_keywords FROM youtube_videos LEFT JOIN seo ON `seo`.`seoable_id` = `youtube_videos`.`id` and `seoable_type` = ? WHERE `youtube_videos`.`deleted` = ? and `youtube_videos`.`active` = ? and `slug` = ? LIMIT 1
SELECT products.id, products.name, products.sales_start, products.sales_end, products.price, products.discount_price, products.discount_type, products.new, products.slug, products.stock, products.ean_code, CASE WHEN sales_start < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND sales_end > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() then case when discount_type = 'value' then price - discount_price ELSE price * ((100 - discount_price) / 100) END ELSE price END AS current_price, product_sizes.id as size_id, product_sizes.unit as size_unit, product_sizes.value as size_value, product_categories.slug as category_slug, product_categories.id as category_id, product_categories.name as category_name, IFNULL( JSON_VALUE(images, "$.main"), JSON_VALUE(images, "$.images[0]") ) as lead_image, youtube_product.youtube_video_id as youtube_video_id FROM products LEFT JOIN product_product_size ON `products`.`id` = `product_product_size`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN product_sizes ON `product_sizes`.`id` = `product_product_size`.`product_size_id` LEFT JOIN product_categories ON `products`.`product_category_id` = `product_categories`.`id` LEFT JOIN product_priorities ON `products`.`id` = `product_priorities`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN youtube_product ON `products`.`id` = `youtube_product`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN youtube_videos ON `youtube_videos`.`id` = `youtube_product`.`youtube_video_id` WHERE `products`.`deleted` = ? and `products`.`active` = ? and `youtube_product`.`youtube_video_id` = ? and `product_categories`.`active` = ? and `product_categories`.`deleted` = ? ORDER BY `product_priorities`.`default_priority` ASC LIMIT 8
SELECT badges.*, product_badge.product_id FROM product_badge LEFT JOIN badges ON `product_badge`.`badge_id` = `badges`.`id` WHERE `product_id` IN (?, ?, ?, ?) ORDER BY `badges`.`priority` ASC
SELECT badges.* FROM badges WHERE (`price_min` > ? and `price_min` is not null) or (`price_max` > ? and `price_max` is not null) ORDER BY `badges`.`priority` ASC
SELECT * FROM seo WHERE `seoable_type` = ? and `seoable_id` = ? LIMIT 1
SELECT id, name, url, is_megamenu, parent_id, location, sectionables.sections FROM menu_items LEFT JOIN sectionables ON `menu_items`.`id` = `sectionables`.`sectionable_id` and `sectionables`.`sectionable_type` = ? WHERE `menu_items`.`deleted` = ? and `menu_items`.`active` = ? and (`menu_items`.`deleted` = ? and `menu_items`.`active` = ? and `sectionables`.`sectionable_type` = ? or `sectionables`.`sectionable_type` is null) ORDER BY `priority` ASC
SELECT product_categories.id, product_categories.name, product_categories.parent_id, product_categories.priority, product_categories.slug, product_categories.lead, product_categories.description, product_categories.image FROM product_categories WHERE `product_categories`.`deleted` = ? and `product_categories`.`active` = ? ORDER BY `priority` ASC
select * from delivery_discount where active = ? and start_date is null and end_date is null
SELECT price FROM delivery_discount WHERE `active` = ? and `start_date` <= ? and `end_date` >= ? LIMIT 1